Dr. Philip Jessop is a professor and Canada Research Chair of Green Chemistry, and Head of the Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada. In addition, he is an Honorary Professor at Jordan University and an Adjunct Professor at the Hashemite University. He also serves as Executive Research Director at Forward Water Technologies. After his Ph.D. (British Columbia, 1991) and a postdoctoral appointment (Toronto, 1992), he was a contract researcher in Japan working for R. Noyori (Nobel Prize 2001). As a professor at the University of California-Davis (1996-2003) and since then at Queen’s, he has studied green solvents and the chemistry of CO2 and H2. Distinctions include the NSERC Polanyi Award (2008), Killam Research Fellowship (2010), Canadian Green Chemistry & Engineering Award (2012), Eni Award (2013), Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada (2013), a Canada Research Chair Tier 1 (2013, renewed 2021), and the NSERC Brockhouse Prize (2019). He served as Chair of the Editorial Board for the journal Green Chemistry from 2017-2022, has chaired three international conferences, and helped create GreenCentre Canada, a National Centre of Excellence for the commercialization of green chemistry technologies. Forward Water Technologies Inc. is a spin-off company based upon Dr. Jessop’s switchable solvents.
About Dr. Jessop
- Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry (University of British Columbia) in 1991. Supervisor. Dr. B. R. James.
- Postdoctoral appointment (University of Toronto), 1991-1992. Supervisor: Dr. R. H. Morris.
- Contract research (Research Development Corp. of Japan), 1993-1996. Supervisor: Dr. Ryoji Noyori (Nobel Prize 2001).
- Assistant Professor (University of California, Davis), 1996-2003.
- Associate Professor (Queen’s University, Dept. of Chemistry), 2003-2007.
- Full professor (Queen’s University, Dept. of Chemistry), 2007 – present.
- Cross-appointed to Department of Environmental Studies, 2006 – 2017.
- Technical Director (GreenCentre Canada), 2009 – 2020.
- Executive Research Director (Forward Water Technologies), 2018 – present.
- Adjunct Professor (Hashemite University), 2023 – present
- Head of the Department of Chemistry (Queen’s University), 2024 – present
- Named an ACS Fellow, 2023
- NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Enginnering (with P. Champagne, M. Cunningham, and W. Mabee), 2019
- Science 60th Anniversary Alumni of Honour Award (University of Waterloo), 2017
- Named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015
- Canada Research Chair, Tier I, 2013, renewed 2021
- Landolt & Cie Professor in Innovations for a Sustainable Future, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013-2014.
- Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2013.
- Eni Award for New Frontiers for Hydrocarbons (Upstream), 2013.
- Named a member of Canada’s Clean50 by Delta Management Group Corporation, 2012.
- Canadian Green Chemistry & Engineering Award (CIC), 2012.
- Prize for Excellence in Research (Queen’s University), 2010.
- Killam Research Fellowship (Killam Trusts), 2010.
- Named a top innovator by New Technology Magazine, 2009.
- NSERC John C. Polanyi Award (NSERC), 2009.
- Canadian Catalysis Lectureship Award (Canadian Catalysis Foundation), 2004.
- Canada Research Chair, 2003-2013.
- Outstanding Faculty Advisor (UCDavis), 1999.
- Organizer, “Green Solvents” symposium, IUPAC World Congress, Montreal, Canada, 2021
- Member, Advisory Board, Global Green Chemistry Initiative, UNIDO, United Nations International Development Organization, 2019-2021
- Co-chair, 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and 9th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Reston, Virginia, USA, June 2019
- Member, International Scientific Committee, 16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XVI), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2018
- Chair, Editorial Board, Green Chemistry (RSC journal), 2017 – 2022
- Panelist, Expert Panel on the State of Science and Technology and Industrial Research and Development in Canada, (Council of Canadian Academies and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada), 2016-2017
- Member, Industrial Chemistry Program Committee, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, May 2017
- Member, International Scientific Advisory Committee, 8th International Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 2017
- Member, Scientific Committee, International Green Process Engineering Congress, Mt. Tremblant, Québec, June 2016
- Member, International Advisory Board, 7th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Japan, July 2015
- Member, Editorial Board, Green Chemistry (RSC journal), 2014-2016
- Member, Selection Committee 1504 (Chemistry), Discovery Grants, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, 2013-2016
- Member, Executive Committee, 2nd International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification (ILSEP), Toronto, Summer 2014
- Member, International Scientific Committee, 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry, May 2013
- Governing Board, Green Chemistry Institute, (ACS), 2012-2017
- Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Sustainable Chemistry (ACS journal)
- Member, Board of Advisory Editors, J. CO2 Utilization (Elsevier journal), 2012 – present
- Member, International Advisory Board, ChemSusChem (Wiley journal), 2012-2015
- Member, International Organizing Committee, 4th IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, August 2012.
- Member, International Scientific Advising Committee, 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, May 2012.
- Member, International Advisory Board, and Rotating Member, Board of Directors, FQRNT Centre in Green Chemistry and Catalysis, Québec, 2009-2012
- Member, Advisory Board, Green Chemistry (RSC journal), 2009-2013
- Chair, 3rd IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, August 2010
- Member, Toxics Reduction Expert Panel, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Ontario, 2008
- Member, IUPAC Subcommittee on Green Chemistry, 2008-2017
- Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Green Science & Technology Network, 2007 – present
- Co-chair, CHEMRAWN-XVII and ICCDU-IX Conference on Greenhouse Gases. Also served as chair of the scientific program committee, 2007
- Member, Focus Group on Clean Technologies, Conference Board of Canada, 2007
- Member, International Organizing Committee, 2nd International Congress on Ionic Liquids, 2007
- Member, Grant Selection Panel, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, 2007
- Chair, Green Chemistry and Engineering Subdivision, American Chemical Society, 2006
- Member, Grant Selection Panel, NSF, 2006
- Member, International Scientific Committee, International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, 2005
- Member, International Scientific Committee, 8th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization, 2005
- Organizer, “Reaction Chemistry of CO2 in Catalysis” symposium, and “Organic Reactions in Neoteric Media” symposia, Pacifichem, 2005
- Chair, referee team, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, 2005
- Member, Site Visit Team, ERC Program, NSF, 2004-2005
- Organizer, “Green Catalysis” symposium, Canadian Symposium on Catalysis, 2004
- Member, Site Visit Team, NSF, 2004
- Member, International Scientific Committee for the International Conferences on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU), 2001